ShandongSafetyIntelligentTechnologyCo.,Ltd - cippe2024
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ShandongSafetyIntelligentTechnologyCo.,Ltd. is a leading provider of gas detection equipment and safety solutions in the industry. We are committed to delivering innovative gas detection products and solutions to a diverse range of industries, including oil, petrochemical, chemical, coal, metallurgy, power, municipal, fire protection, pharmaceutical, telecommunications, and environmental protection. Our goal is to provide global enterprise users with traceable and evidence-based safety protection, accident prevention, process control, purity analysis, and environmental monitoring capabilities in their operations and production. Since its establishment in 2019, the company has emerged as one of the largest high-tech companies in China's gas detection industry. With a focus on "customer first, quality foremost," we have established an intelligent factory that utilizes a highly flexible and personalized production model for digital products and services. Centered around our detection equipment, we have integrated the Internet of Things (IoT) to create a truly intelligent system that offers automatic detection, self-diagnosis, big data collection, and remote control capabilities. This integration aligns with the strategic goals of "Industry 4.0" and "Made in China 2025." As an industry leader, we consistently create value for our customers through sustainable technological innovation. We have established four research and development centers (in Jinan, Shanghai, Suzhou, and Shenzhen) and a cooperative laboratory (in Jinan). With nearly 100 domestic and foreign research and development personnel, we specialize in areas such as material optimization, engineering structure, software development, and information communication, leading the way in industry advancements. Looking ahead, Sfoort Smart remains committed to guiding the development of the gas detection industry and addressing the ever-evolving challenges in the global gas detection landscape. We strive to provide our customers with cutting-edge solutions that enable them to operate safely and efficiently.