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Intellian FB500

Intellian FB500
展品类目: 通讯及信息系统管理、电子商务
展品类型: 技术服务
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Intellian FB500 is set to revolutionize ship operation and welfare with the fastest but cost-effective FleetBroadband service. It is designed specifically for intensive use on board merchant and offshore vessels whilst being ideally suited to large fishing and workboat applications at the same time. Inmarsat\'s global broadband I4 satellite coverage Simultaneous voice and data service Reliable hardware powered by Thrane & Thrane IP connection for e-mail, internet, and intranet access including secure VPN Data rates up to 432 kbps (up to 256 kbps for Streaming IP) IP Handset interface Various matching dome solutions to Intellian i-Series (Marine Satellite TV Antenna System) Competitive & customized Intellian Inmarsat airtime



国家省份: 中国 香港
展商类型: 技术服务