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上海体坦机电技术服务有限公司 - SHANGHAI TITAN TECHNOLOGY SERVICE CO.,LTD上海体坦机电技术服务有限公司

美国TITAN国际技术公司Titan Technologies International,Inc. 是世界上最好的紧固件工具生产厂家之一,产品有液压扭矩扳手、气动扭矩扳手、电动扭矩扳手、力矩放大器、液压螺栓拉伸器、液压螺母、液压螺栓、螺母劈开器、法兰分离器、配套电动泵、气动泵、手动泵等等。产品广泛应用于石油石化、钢铁、电力、造船、航空航天、采矿、铁路、重型机械等行业。 销售与服务总部在美国休斯敦,生产厂在美国的老工业基地新泽西州,是自己拥有最大加工生产能力的紧固件工具工厂。在全球各大洲都设有办事处、分销商和服务网点。产品拥有多项专利,壳体零偏载设计、独特的Tru-Swivel旋转接头、活塞减震系统等,选择业内最好的AQ航空材料加工生产,每一个产品出厂都经过美国国家标准技术研究院(NIST----------National Institute of Standards and Technology)认可的设备校准,并附有检测报告,行业内只有TITAN可以做到。 TITAN公司将其产品定位为紧固件工具中的“奔驰”,产品性能优越,质量可靠,近几年全球销量成倍上升。用户每一份对TITAN产品的感谢信,对TITAN产品和同类产品的比较等反馈信息,都让我们不断加深“奔驰”工具的印象,提升推荐用户使用的信心,并为自己参与于此感到骄傲。 TITAN的销售与服务理念是为每个用户提供紧固件安装拆除完整的超级解决方案Superior Bolting Solutions不是针对某一产品,而是为用户选择最适合的方案,并为此方案的贯彻实施提供优质的产品与服务跟踪保障!

Titan attributes this exceptional business growth to the following philosophical pillars, our business foundations Titans’ product offering has become widely known as the “Mercedes Benz” of Hydraulic, Pneumatic and Electric Torque Wrenches as well as Hydraulic Tensioning equipment. This is not a mere marketing slogan; Titan\\\'s reputation rests solidly upon this high quality pillar. Titan is the first company in the Hydraulic Torque Wrench industry to introduce product design form Finite Element Analysis and to bring to the industry the full benefits of modern engineering and advanced machining technology. Titan Hydraulic Wrenches, for example, are twice as strong by design as its competitors, utilizing only Aircraft Quality material in all component parts. Superior design strength is combined with superior materials make Titan equipment stronger. This enables Titan parts and tools to last longer, with less down time and more superior performance. Total cost of ownership cost is less with Titan tools. The dynamic of FEA design and Modern CNC Technology as well as computerized QC capability enables Titan to deliver a product with clear superiority at a competitive price. Titan parts are made by AMT. AMT is ISO 9000 certified. Titan Technologies tools are manufactured to the tightest tolerances in the industry. All Titan components undergo a barrage of in-process and final piece tests to ensure proper dimensional, material properties and functionality. Titan is the only manufacturer of Hydraulic Wrenches to cycle test each tool under load as a quality control check. The final QC check is calibration with each tool calibrated and supplied with certification of accuracy with certification to N.I.S.T. Titan is the only manufacturer of Hydraulic Wrenches which calibrates EACH AND EVERY TOOL, PRIOR TO SHIPMENT.


行业类目: 设备检修、维护与管理
国家省份: 中国 上海市
展商类型: 综合公司

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