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安徽鸿申能源装备有限公司 - ANHUI HONGSHEN ENERGY EQUIMPMENT CO., LTD.安徽鸿申能源装备有限公司

安徽鸿申能源装备有限公司,坐落于淮水润沃土,荆涂出英杰的淮河明珠—蚌埠。这里流传着大禹治水,会盟诸侯的传奇故事,这里孕育着明朝黄族,华夏之光的壮丽篇章,传承了千年灿烂文明的淮河浪淘日夜流淌,彰显历史的脉动在新的时代更加磅磷奔涌,气势如虹。 安徽鸿申能源装备有限公司旗下产品天然气母站压缩机,标准站压缩机,子站压缩机,液化天然气罐,液化天然气撬BOG回收装置,井口气压缩机,已进入中国燃气加气站设备的领先行列。 安徽鸿申能源装备有限公司,即产,学,研,培训,零部件供应,售后延伸等集成整合,为你提供完备专业的一站式服务。公司运作资本超亿元,坚持创新研发是鸿申企业发展的动力,引领行业高标是企业不懈的追求,业务扩展延伸海外,产品质量享誉五洲。 安徽鸿申能源装备有限公司,拥有中高级技术精英团队七十余人,具有坚实的技术创新和研发能力,五万平方米的生产基地,拥有国内先进的龙门加工中心,立式加工中心,数控机床等先进设备和与之匹配的二百余名专业技术工人团队。截止 2023年底总产值已突破十亿元。 安徽鸿申能源装备有限公司,拥有丰富的加气站加氢站EPC/EPCC总包建设经验,可以为你提供,便捷完备的交钥匙一站式服务。已在国内总包建设了一千多个加气站项目,为国内天然气加气站 CNG,液化天然气 LNG 的发展和国家绿色清洁能源产业的推进,作出了杰出贡献。 安徽鸿申能源装备有限公司产品,身兼中国制造的信使,已经走出国门,远销澳大利亚,俄罗斯,泰国,墨西哥,马来西亚,印度等十余个亚太及欧美国家。鸿申产品卓越的品质,获得了国际用户的信赖和好评。 安徽鸿申能源装备有限公司作为安徽省高新技术企业即安徽省著名商标企业,获得八项国家发明专利和自主创新名优品牌称号,是中石油中石化,中海油,昆仑燃气等产业航母,一级物资网络供应商,是华润港华燃气战略合作伙伴。 安徽鸿申能源装备有限公司连续多年被评为质量检验稳定合格产品,质量服务信誉 3A 级品牌,和全国消费者用户满意企业荣誉称号。众多国家级品牌认证和荣誉证书,彰显了安徽省鸿申压缩机集团有限公司卓越不凡的实力。 展望未来,鸿申壮志起,引领先进,跨越品质高峰,携手共赢,屹立时代潮头,铸民族品牌,开创安徽鸿申卓越辉煌的明天。

Anhui Hongshen Energy Equipment Co. , Ltd. , located in Huai River fertile soil, Jing painted the pearl of Huai River -- Bengbu. The legendary story of the Great Flood, the Allied princes, the yellow clan of the Ming dynasty, the glorious history of China, and Huai River, the land of a thousand years of splendid civilization, highlight the pulse of history in the new era more pound of phosphorus surging, such as the momentum of the rainbow. Products of Anhui Hongshen Energy Equipment Co. , Ltd. : Natural Gas Mother Station compressor, Standard Station compressor, sub-station compressor, liquefied natural gas tank, liquefied natural gas BOG recovery device, wellhead gas compressor, china has entered the leading ranks of gas filling station equipment. Anhui Hongshen Energy Equipment Co. , Ltd. , that is, production, learning, research, training, spare parts supply, after-sales extension integration, to provide you with a complete professional one-stop service. The company's operating capital exceeds 100 million Yuan, innovation and R & D is the driving force of Hongshen's development, leading the industry high standard is the pursuit of enterprises, business expansion overseas, product quality world-renowned. Anhui Hongshen Energy Equipment Co. , Ltd. has more than 70 middle-and high-level technical elite teams, a solid technological innovation and R & D capabilities, a 50,000 square meter production base, and an advanced domestic longmen processing center, vertical Machining Center, CNC machine tools and other advanced equipment and its matching more than 200 professional and technical workers. By the end of the 2023, the gross domestic product had exceeded $1 billion. Anhui Hongshen Energy Equipment Co. , Ltd. , with a wealth of gas station hydrogenation station EPC/EPCC construction experience, can provide you with a convenient and complete turnkey one-stop service. More than 1,000 gas filling stations have been built in China, making outstanding contributions to the development of CNG and liquefied natural gas LNG and the promotion of the national green and clean energy industry. Anhui Hongshen Energy Equipment Co. , Ltd. , located in Huai River fertile soil, Jing painted the pearl of Huai River -- Bengbu. The legendary story of the Great Flood, the Allied princes, the yellow clan of the Ming dynasty, the glorious history of China, and Huai River, the land of a thousand years of splendid civilization, highlight the pulse of history in the new era more pound of phosphorus surging, such as the momentum of the rainbow. Products of Anhui Hongshen Energy Equipment Co. , Ltd. : Natural Gas Mother Station compressor, Standard Station compressor, sub-station compressor, liquefied natural gas tank, liquefied natural gas BOG recovery device, wellhead gas compressor, china has entered the leading ranks of gas filling station equipment.


国家省份: 中国 安徽省
展商类型: 装备制造

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