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胜利油田胜利动力机械集团有限公司 - Shengli Oil Field shengli power machinery Group co., ltd胜利油田胜利动力机械集团有限公司
Shengli Oil Field shengli power machinery Group co., ltd

胜利油田胜利动力机械集团有限公司(以下简称“胜动集团”)现为山东省属国有一级企业水发集团公司权属公司,始建于1974年,是国内最早从事分布式燃气内燃机设计、制造的企业,迄今已有近50年历史。现为国内领先的石油装备和燃气发动机制造企业,国家火炬计划重点高新技术企业,国家级分布式能源燃气内燃机装备自主化研发制造基地。主导产品拥有燃气内燃机发电行业唯一的“中国名牌产品”以及“中国驰名商标”称号。 胜动集团秉承“上善若水,发展惠民”的发展理念,以“节约能源,保护蓝天”为初心,以分布式燃气能源化利用核心技术为支撑,通过高端装备制造、清洁电站运维、石油装备制造、绿色钻井动力服务及燃气轮机制造等5大核心业务板块,累计生产的各型发电机组和投建、运维的1000余座瓦斯、沼气、工业尾气等燃气发电站,年均发电量150亿千瓦·时、年均减排二氧化碳8000万吨,用一个个典型的案例,一组组真实的数据,展现国企责任担当,践行“双碳”发展战略。 胜动集团立足自主创新,拥有发明专利10余项,实用新型技术专利100多项,主编、参编多项国家、行业标准,推动了燃气发电产业的发展及国家燃气内燃机的进步。全面执行QHSE体系管理,取得API、3C等多项认证,拥有新能源电力乙级设计资质、工程总承包资质。 征程万里专注于心,重任千钧创新于行。胜动集团将紧紧围绕水发集团“聚焦、整合、优化、管控、提升”10字方针,秉持新水发精神,保持一往无前的奋斗姿态,始终深耕于燃气发电制造及运维、钻井动力服务和智能化石油装备及燃气轮机制造产业,以绿色科技服务人类与社会,致力为国家循环经济和全球生态环境建设作出更大贡献!

A SHUIFA company, and fully owned subsidy of Shuifa Energas (Shanghai: 603318). Shengdong is one of Chinese leading manufacturers of gas-fueled inner combustion engine, packed generator sets and cogeneration units for power generation. It is one of the only companies in China focusing exclusively on gas engine technology. Shengdong headquarters in Dongying, Shandong Province, China, is home to an immense manufacturing, engineering, laboratory and service training facility, the facilities are ISO 9001 certified. As a leading provider of renewable gas, natural gas, and hydrogen-rich solutions, Shengdong help to provide communities, industry and the public access to sustainable, reliable and capacity of Shengdong brand T1190N, 4190, 6190, 12V190, 16V190 and 20V190 series gas engines ranges from 10 kW to 2500kW. Shengdong engines are widely used in coal mine methane, biogas, oil& gas industry. besides gas engine/genset manufacturing and sales, Shengdong are also providing EPCM services, power plant investment and power plant operation service. For any customer who has sufficient gas source and electric power sales method, Shengdong have a complete tool box to keep the customers to get profit maximum and to meet the latest environmental requirements. Shengdong Generator sets can use all kinds of ignition gas to generate electricity. Shengdong gas engines run on Natural Gas or a variety of specialty waste gases, including Coal Mine Methane, Landfill Gas, Petroleum Associated gas, Biogas, Rice husk Producer Gas, Coal gas, Syngas, Coking Gas, Blast furnace exhaust gas and industrial waste gases. Shengdong gas engine can widely used in oil field, coal mine, chemical plant, metallurgy, alcohol factory, ferment factory garbage fill and sewage disposal factory and so on. These products are the best choices to save the energy and reduce the waste and protect our green homestead, which represent the high technique level. Shengdong Group is committed to providing a broad diversity of technology solutions required to support the growing demand for electricity around the globe. Shengdong gas engines offer great application flexibility and world class technology to help customers meet this need. Shengdong deliver consistent performance, durability, reliability and economy, day after day. Shengdong and the worldwide Shengdong® Dealer Network are committed to supplying customers with the best electric power solutions.


国家省份: 中国 山东省
展商类型: 装备制造

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