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佶缔纳士机械有限公司 - Gardner Denver Nash Machinery Ltd佶缔纳士机械有限公司
Gardner Denver Nash Machinery Ltd

佶缔纳士机械有限公司成立于1996年2月,其前身为西门子真空泵压缩机有限公司,是德国西门子公司在国内投资1.27亿元人民币兴建的外商独资企业。2002年3月,在母公司elmo真空技术有限公司(原西门子股份公司A&D/PU部)和美国纳氏工程公司全球业务整合成为nash_elmo(纳西姆)工业有限公司后,中国公司更名为纳西姆工业(中国)有限公司。2004年9月,纳西姆工业公司加入美国Gardner Denver(佶缔)集团。2006年10月,纳西姆工业(中国)有限公司正式更名为佶缔纳士机械有限公司。佶缔纳士机械有限公司专业生产、销售液环式真空泵/压缩机、多级离心式鼓风机/抽风机和工程化系统,并提供与该产品相关的服务,是佶缔集团面向全球的在亚太地区的唯一生产基地,是整个佶缔集团全球三大液环泵生产基地中产品种类最多、规格最全的一家。佶缔纳士中国公司在技术上与德国、美国总部保持同步,采用目前最先进的、世界领先水平的液环式真空泵和压缩机技术。中国公司生产的产品不仅仅满足国内市场,还同时满足全球市场。通过美国和德国两大研发中心研发的产品陆续在这里生产并出口到世界各地。全球每个佶缔集团的生产基地均可共享公司总部在全球不同市场采集到的信息资源和技术研发成果,使得在全球各地生产的产品都能与世界同步。这种全球资源和本地优势的整合,保证了我们一流的产品品质,产品均符合相关国际技术标准,具有最高品质保证。

Gardner Denver Nash Machinery Ltd. (GDNC) was founded in February 1996 as Siemens Vacuum Pump & Compressor Co., Ltd. (SVPC), a foreign enterprise invested by Siemens in China. nash_elmo resulted from the 2002 merger of The Nash Engineering Company, USA, and elmo vacuum technology GmbH, Germany, formerly a Siemens subsidiary. SVPC changed its name to nash_elmo Industries China Ltd. in October 2002. In September 2004, nash_elmo Industries acquired by Gardner Denver founded in 1859 and became Nash Division of Gardner Denver, which is one of powerful divisions of the Engineered Products Group. As the leader in liquid ring pumps and compressors industry and it’s over 100 year’s experiences and knowledge, GD Nash provides first class high quality products, full ranged system solutions and perfect in-time services to global customers. In November 2006, nash_elmo Industries China Ltd. officially renamed to Gardner Denver Nash Machinery Ltd. (GDNC). Being the only production center of Nash division in Asia-Pacific, GDNC manufacture and market liquid ring vacuum pumps/ compressors, multistage centrifugal blower products and engineered systems, and also related service to global customers. Nash has four production facilities located in USA, Germany, Brazil and China. The products produced at all locations comply with the highest quality assurance standards. Nash puts great emphasis on a steady exchange of information among all locations. All knowledge acquired in different markets all over the world is shared within our organization. With this knowledge, our local production facility has the expertise and competence for engineering vacuum pumps and compressors in China. This combination of global knowledge and local competence ensure our products’ quality.


行业类目: 石油炼制工艺与技术设备
国家省份: 中国 山东省
展商类型: 装备制造

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