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恩纳湃克(江苏)工业设备有限公司 - Enerpac (Jiangsu) Industrial Equipment Co., Ltd.恩纳湃克(江苏)工业设备有限公司
Enerpac (Jiangsu) Industrial Equipment Co., Ltd.

恩派克⼯具集团(Enerpac Tool Group)是⼀家领先的⼯业⼯具和服务公司,为遍布全球的⼴泛⽽多样的客⼾群体提供着服务。公司成⽴于1910年,总部位于威斯康星州的梅诺莫尼福尔斯。恩派克⼯具专为最严格、苛刻的作业条件⽽设计。正因为此,我们在产品质量上从不允许有丝毫妥协。 因⽽,⽆论何时使⽤我们的产品,您都⽆须担⼼其质量和精确性,我们的⼯具能最安全、最有效地提⾼您的⼯作效率。作为⾼压液压⼯具、可控⼒产品和可实现重型负载精确顶升的系统解决⽅案在全球范围内的市场领导者,⼈们曾经使⽤恩派克产品移动了地球上⼀些最⼤的建筑结构物。恩派克产品已成为航空航天、基础设施建设、制造业、采矿业、⽯油和天然⽓、发电等领域的⾏业标准。

Enerpac is wholly owned by Enerpac Tool Group, an industrial tools and services company founded in 1910 and headquartered in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin. Backed by a global legacy of ultra-reliable quality and superior precision, Enerpac is pushing the industry forward with a wide range of advanced industrial tools and services that first and foremost ensure our customers operate safely and productively every day. It isn’t about being compliant, or “as good” as the next guy; we outpace the competition by delivering technically superior solutions that are easy to get, safe to use and built to outlast. For us, offering the ideal customer experience means working overtime to make sure our customers can be heroes when it matters most by providing on-demand access to a vast catalog of products and services, extensive training and mobilized field teams no matter where they are in the world. Over the decades we have developed an unparalleled range of hydraulic tools for thousands of applications, in virtually every industry. Enerpac products are available worldwide through a network of 1,400 distributor partners. With 28 facilities in 22 countries, we are capable of providing the technical support and the hydraulic expertise needed to support the servicing of standard products, design custom products for unique applications and develop solutions to move some of the largest structures on earth.


国家省份: 中国 江苏省
展商类型: 装备制造

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