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山东森荣新材料股份有限公司 - Shandong Senrong New Materials Co. LTD山东森荣新材料股份有限公司
Shandong Senrong New Materials Co. LTD

 山东森荣新材料股份有限公司创建于2006年,地处中国膜谷-山东·淄博东岳经济开发区,是拉长东岳氟材料产业链的下游深加工企业。公司主要产品有聚四氟乙烯微孔膜、 聚四氟乙烯高频覆铜板、聚四氟乙烯纤维、膨体聚四氟乙烯板、聚四氟乙烯工程塑料等。公司是集科研、生产、经营和对外贸易于一体的高新技术企业,是中国膜工业协会理事单位,中国氟塑加工专业委员会理事单位,拥有山东省企业技术中心、超微过滤纤维技术中心,先后获评“好品山东”、“山东省著名商标”、“山东省中小企业发展新经济示范单位”、“山东省隐形冠军培育企业”、“山东省两化融合贯标试点单位”、“山东省专精特新中小企业”、“山东省制造业单项冠军”、“山东省瞪羚企业”、“中国氟塑加工新锐成长企业”、国家级“专精特新小巨人”等荣誉称号。十五年磨一剑!公司现已发展成为中国聚四氟乙烯下游深加工规模、实力一流的企业!   公司致力于氟材料下游深加工的研究与开发,与川大、天大、交大、山东理工、青岛大学等院校建立了产学研合作平台,开发了多种高端产品,拥有35项专利和15项发明,牵头制定了《聚四氟乙烯长丝纤维》、《聚四氟乙烯短丝纤维》、《口罩用聚四氟乙烯PTFE纳米复合膜》、《氯碱离子膜基布用聚四氟乙烯长丝》、《氢燃料电池质子交换膜用聚四氟乙烯基膜》五个团体标准,填补了行业空白。   在危机中育新机,于变局中开新局。疫情期间,公司在各级党委政府的正确领导和帮助下快速复工复产!充分发挥自身膜材料的优越性,以锐不可当的气概和开拓创新的精神,短短三天三夜研发成功替代PP熔喷布且可重复使用的PTFE纳米口罩膜材料,为疫情防控和口罩生产企业一布难求解决了燃眉之急!彰显了企业的担当,开启了新时代下囗罩材料的革命!   不忘初心,牢记使命!在习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想引导下,公司将牢牢抓住中国膜谷和淄博东岳经济开发区两大资源优势!以瞄准前沿,高点定位,打破垄断,替代进口为己任!以争创世界第二个戈尔为奋斗目标!依托3 D打印新技术打造国际一流的膜材料研发生产基地,为中国膜加工大国向强国的发展做出企业应有的贡献!

Company Profile Shandong Senrong New Materials Co.,LTD Shandong Senrong New Material Co., LTD., founded in 2006, is located in China Film Valley - Shandong · Zibo Dongyue Economic Development Zone, is a deep processing enterprise extending the downstream of Dongyue fluorine material industry chain. The company's main products are PTFE microporous membrane, PTFE high frequency and high speed copper clad plate, PTFE fiber, PTFE engineering plastic three categories. The company is a high-tech enterprise integrating scientific research, production, management and foreign trade. It is a council member of China Membrane Industry Association, a council member of China Fluorine Plastic Processing Committee, and has Shandong Enterprise Technology Center, Ultra-fine filter fiber Technology Center. Successively as "good products in shandong province", "shandong famous trademark", "development of small and medium-sized enterprises in shandong province new economy demonstration unit", "hidden champions to foster enterprise in shandong province", "shandong province two fusion, jitc pilot unit", "specialization, new small and medium-sized enterprises in shandong province", "shandong province manufacturing single champion", "gazelle enterprise in shandong province", "Chinese fluorine plastics processing new growth enterprises ", national "special special new little giant" and other honorary titles. Fifteen years to grind a sword! The company has now developed into China's PTFE downstream deep processing scale, the strength of the first-class enterprise! The company is committed to the research and development of downstream deep processing of fluorine materials, and has established industry-university-research cooperation platforms with Chinese Academy of Sciences, Sichuan University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Tianjin University of Technology, Shandong Institute of Technology, Qingdao University and other institutions. It has developed a variety of high-end products, and has 35 patents and 15 inventions. It has led the formulation of five group standards, namely, Teflon Filament Fiber, Teflon short filament fiber, Teflon PTFE nanocomposite Membrane for Masks, Teflon Filament for chlor-alkali ion membrane base cloth, and Teflon membrane for hydrogen fuel cell proton exchange Membrane, filling the gap in the industry. Nurture new opportunities in a crisis and open new ones in a changing situation. During the epidemic, the company quickly resumed work and production under the correct leadership and help of Party committees and governments at all levels! Give full play to the advantages of its own membrane materials, with an unbreakable spirit and pioneering and innovative spirit, we successfully developed a reusable PTFE nano-mask membrane material to replace PP melt-blown cloth in just three days and three nights, which solved the urgent problem for epidemic prevention and control and mask manufacturers. It shows the responsibility of the enterprise and opens the revolution of the material of the mouth cover in the new era! Do not forget the original purpose, remember the mission! Aiming at the front, high point positioning, break the monopoly, replace the import as their own responsibility! To create the world's second Gore for the goal! Relying on the new 3D printing technology to create a world-class membrane material research and development and production base, for the development of China's membrane processing country to the powerful country to make due contributions to the enterprise!


国家省份: 中国 山东省
展商类型: 装备制造

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