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成都麦斯威能源技术有限公司 - Chengdu Maxwell Energy Technology Co., Ltd成都麦斯威能源技术有限公司
Chengdu Maxwell Energy Technology Co., Ltd

成都麦斯威能源技术有限公司是一家从事石油井下工具研发、设计和生产的专业公司,我们专注于为全球石油行业提供创新的解决方案。 公司旗下拥有全资子公司——四川麦斯威石油钻采工具有限公司,作为我们的研发中心和生产制造基地,主营业务包括石油井下工具的研发、设计、生产制造和维修保养。公司还拥有连续油管及液氮设备,能够承担各类连油和液氮施工作业,如连油钻磨桥塞、测井、打捞、切割、封堵、氮气压裂、排液、气举等服务。 公司重视技术储备和人才队伍建设,拥有一批来自油田、经验丰富的高新技术人才。除此之外,公司还与专业石油院校,以及各石油单位的科研院所建立了长期战略合作伙伴关系,紧扣现场需要,共同进行高新技术产品/工艺的研发。为确保自身的技术优势,公司在研发方面进行大量投入,每年的科研项目合同金额达1000万以上,并且已获得优异成果,取得了多项专利。 公司自成立至今,已为中石油、中石化、中海油、壳牌、哈里伯顿、斯伦贝谢、EOG能源等世界500强企业提供了服务及产品,客户对我公司的产品及技术服务质量、工作效率、人员专业性等均给予了高度评价。 我们的宗旨是:坚持长期主义,做时间的朋友。诚信、高效为客户提供可靠产品及优质服务是我们的立身之本;打造绿色、公平、平等、积极向上的工作环境是我们的成功基石。

Chengdu Maxwell Energy Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional company focusing on downhole tool research and development, design and production. We emphasize on providing innovative solutions for the global oil industry. The company has a wholly-owned subsidiary, Sichuan Maxwell Oil Tools Co., Ltd., as its R&D center and production base, which covers an area of 3,300 m2 and equips with a variety of cutting-edge facilities. Our major business includes R&D, manufacturing and maintenance of downhole tools. In addition, the company also has its own coiled tubing equipment and liquid nitrogen equipment that can undertake various engineering services, such as drilling out bridge plugs, logging, fishing, fracturing and gas lifting etc. The company attaches great importance to technological innovation and team construction. We have a strong team of high competence in all levels with profession and rich experience. In addition, the company has established long-term strategic partnerships with professional petroleum colleges, as well as research institutions of oilfield companies to closely meet on-site needs and jointly conduct research and development of high-tech products/processes. To ensure its technological advantages, the company has made great investment in research and development, and has achieved excellent results and obtained multiple patents. Ever since its establishment, the company has maintained close relationship with its customers, and provided service for companies like CNPC, SINOPEC, CNOOC, Shell, Halliburton, SLB, EOG Energy etc. All the customers have spoken high of the quality of our products and technical services, work efficiency, and personnel expertise. Our principle is focusing on longtermisim, be friends with time. Providing reliable products and high-quality services to customers with integrity and efficiency and creating a green, fair, equal, and positive work environment are the bedstones of our success.


国家省份: 中国 四川省
展商类型: 综合公司

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