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Corrosion Materials (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd

Corrosion Materials美国腐蚀材料公司成立于1963年,总部位于路易斯安那州首府Baton Rouge郊区Baker镇。自成立伊始公司就一直致力于为化工业提供高品质、适用于各种腐蚀环境的镍合金及钛合金材料,包括C276, C22, 200/201, 400, 600, 800H/HT, 625, 825等镍基合金的板、棒、管、管件、法兰等全套欧美进口产品。经过五十多年的发展,公司不仅在美国本土增建了休斯顿、芝加哥和波士顿三个服务中心,并在英国、意大利、德国、法国和中国建立现货仓库和销售办事处,销售网络遍及全球。
Corrosion Materials的优质服务举世闻名。我们凭借着充足的库存资源及成熟的技术,满足不断增长的化工行业市场需求。公司通过ISO 9001-2008 质量体系认证,并拥有知识渊博、经验丰富的质量控制人员,以保证产品之最高品质;我们富有经验的员工理解用户的需求,专心致力于为客户解答疑问,快速、有效地处理询价和订单。
Corrosion Materials不断地以全球市场为目标追求卓越及领导地位。除了拥有丰富的库存、自有的机械加工厂及焊接工厂内更配有最先进的切割及加工设备。力求与当今全球市场、科技及经济同步,Corrosion Materials以出色的服务、优异的性价比及尖端的技术满足并超越客户期许。

Corrosion Materials was founded in 1963 in Baker, Louisiana, just north of Baton Rouge. Since its inception, Corrosion Materials has been supplying the highest quality Corrosion Resistant Nickel Alloys, including plate, bar, pipe, fitting and flanges in alloy C276, C22, 200/201, 400, 600, 800H/HT, 625 and 825 to the process industries and has continued to expand geographically to include service centers in Houston, Chicago and Boston in the United States and international affiliates in England, Italy, Germany, French and China.
Corrosion Materials’ commitment to service and quality is recognized worldwide. Over the years, we have developed the resources, skills and inventory to satisfy the process industry’s demanding requirements. We are ISO 9001-2008 certified with an expert Quality Control staff that assures our products are of the highest quality. Our experienced personnel understand the needs of our customers and are dedicated to handing your requests and orders accurately, efficiently and quickly.
Corrosion Materials continues to set the standard globally with a machine shop, weld shop and processing department that are equipped with state-of-the-art cutting and manufacturing equipment. By staying up to date with the current market, technology and economy, Corrosion Materials provides our customers with outstanding service, economic advantages and cutting-edge technology to meet your needs and exceed your expectations.


国家省份: 中国 上海市
展商类型: 其他

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