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江苏如通石油机械股份有限公司 - Jiangsu Rutong Petro-Machinery co.,Ltd.江苏如通石油机械股份有限公司
Jiangsu Rutong Petro-Machinery co.,Ltd.

江苏如通石油机械股份有限公司是一家具有六十多年历史,专注于石油钻采井口工具与设备“智造”的全产业链企业,位列中国石油石化装备制造行业50强,产品技术与质量在细分领域处于领先地位,产品除覆盖国内市场外,二十多年来一直销往南北美、中东、中亚、俄罗斯、东南亚和北非等市场,公司于2016年在上交所上市,股票代码:603036。 公司占地面积约20万平方米,拥有各类先进的加工、检测设备800余台,具有较强的铸造、热处理和机械加工与综合检测实力。坚持科技兴企战略,具有行业领先的科技创新能力,形成了石油天然气钻修井悬吊、旋扣、卡持、修井自动作业装置等系列化产品格局;2023年为国内万米钻机成功研发配套了1000ton以上级液压吊卡、手动吊卡、特制吊环、吊卡/卡盘、动力卡瓦等产品,修井作业自动化装置形成批量生产与交付,正从传统的井口手动工具向机械化、自动化、智能化工具设备方向创新转型。

Jiangsu Rutong Petro-Machinery Co., Ltd., is a full industry chain enterprise focusing on "smart manufacturing" of oil drilling and production tools and equipment, with a history of more than 60 years. It ranks among the top 50 in the equipment manufacturing industry for petroleum and petrochemicals in China. Its products are technologically advanced and of high quality, placing the company in a leading position within its specific fields. In addition to covering the domestic market, its products have been sold for over 20 years to markets in North and South America, the Middle East, Central Asia, Russia, Southeast Asia, and North Africa. The company was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2016 under the stock code 603036. The company covers an area of approximately 200,000 square meters, with over 800 advanced processing and testing equipment. It possesses strong capabilities in casting, heat treatment, mechanical processing, and comprehensive testing. Adhering to a strategy of promoting enterprise development through science and technology, the company has leading technological innovation capabilities within the industry. It has formed a product layout for series of products such as hoist tools, make-up &break-out tools, grip tools, and automatic operation devices for workover and maintenance in the oil and natural gas drilling industry. In 2023, it successfully developed and matched products for domestic 10,000-meter drilling rigs, including hydraulic elevators, manual elevators, special elevator links, elevators/spiders, power slips, and other products. The batch production and delivery of automated workover operation devices are underway, marking a transformation from traditional manual tools to innovative mechanized, automated, and intelligent tool equipment.


国家省份: 中国 江苏省
展商类型: 装备制造

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