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东莞市史特牢金属制品有限公司 - DONGGUANSHITELAO MATEL PRODUCTS CO,LTD东莞市史特牢金属制品有限公司

東莞市史特牢金屬製品有限公司成立於2008年,是香港晉元機電(國際)有限公司投資企業。2011年與中國京滬高鐵項目的合作案成為公司獲得高速成長及產品轉型的關鍵年度,同年搬遷至東莞塘廈購地自建4,000平米廠房,並先後取得英国ISO 9001、14001、TUV德国TS 16949及IRIS2法國BV鐵路品質體系等關鍵認證,握有打入國際車市及鐵道系統的入門卷。現代化的新廠內落實完全自動化生產製程,全廠僅需5名專業工程師控管產線,使其製造成本在亞洲同行中具有明顯成本優勢! 一流技術水準接軌國際 高附加產品助於品牌塑造 不同於以量制價的一般件扣件廠,史特牢初期業務即為醫療器械行業客戶提供精密零件的CNC數控加工服務,後續擴充五金沖壓製造車間,專注於生產各種介子華司、防鬆鎖緊墊片等緊固件產品。 為了使產品在品質和性能上得到全面保證,史特牢的品質試驗室對產品進行嚴格的性能測試和製造程序控制。一家公司要成長,史特牢不吝於「材質、模具、人才」的投資,環保無污染機械鍍鋅表面處理車間,打造永續發展的綠色供應鏈,熊業軍總經理驕傲地表示:「我們的製造水準和專業技術創新能力絕對領先同業。我們效法德國和日本企業的專注態度和專業工匠精神,潛心做產品,潛心做實業,做最好的墊圈(SZJYD)品牌。」在我們看來,史特牢要打造的不僅是企業品牌;改變中國製造企業形象,獲得世界認可才是他們的終極目標。 以人才、技術、設備、資本打造未來 熊總認為:「企業未來還是在人才、技術、設備和資本上的競爭。」史特牢有最好的企業文化,培養建立了一支最穩定的技術團隊和生產力量。公司各職員的流動率為零。企業的發展首先離不開人我們有最好的人才激勵和保障機制。在設備和管理上不斷的改造和優化,以提升企業在各項領域的競爭力。 憑藉產品品質、技術優勢及實務經驗,史特牢製品供應國內及東南亞、韓國、日本、巴西、土耳其、智利、北美、瑞士等國家地區,產品廣泛應用於船舶、橋樑、鐵路、工程機械及採礦設備等行業領域!並與瑞士和德國多家國際貿易企業簽定代理合作協定,以經銷商管道,加盟代理的合作方式將SZJYD自有品牌的防鬆墊圈產品行銷世界各地。

Dongguan Shitelao Metal Products Co., Ltd. established in 2008 is a company invested by香港晉元達機電(國際)有限公司. Its cooperative project for Beijing-Shanghai high speed rails in 2011 has made the company to see a surging growth and entered the transition to manufacturing new products. In the same year, the company was relocated to the new 4,000 sq. m factory in Tangxia (Dongguan) and has been also certified by ISO 9001, 14001, TS 16949, and IRIS, enabling it to get a ticket of supplying to the international automotive and railway markets. The modern new factory is fully automated with only 5 professional engineers to monitor the production line. That is why its manufacturing cost can be significantly lower than those of other Asian competitors. Top-end Techniques Follow International Standards and Products with High Added Value Increase Brand Awareness (大題) Different from other standard parts factories adopting mass production strategy, the business of Shitelao in the initial phase was to supply the CNC machining service of highly-engineered parts for clients from the medical instrument industry and was later expanded with the addition of a workshop for hardware stamping to focus on the main production of spring washers and various lock washers. In order to guarantee the quality and performance, the quality testing laboratory of Shitelao carries out strict performance testing and manufacturing procedure control on all of its products. Seeking further growth of the company, Shitelao always has an open mind for the investment in new materials, molds, and talented persons. Its workshop for environmentally friendly galvanizing surface treatment enables the company to establish a sustainable green supply chain. President Jason Xiong of Shitelao said proudly, “Our manufacturing technologies, professional techniques, and innovation absolutely take the lead among other competitors. We are truly dedicated to our jobs as other German and Japanese enterprises are and focus on what we produce and what we do, for creating the best washer brand - SZJYD.” What Shitelao is going to create is not merely a corporate brand, but a thorough change to the general impressions on Chinese enterprises, as the worldly approval is the actual target it would like to aim at. Building Its Own Future with Talented Persons, Technology, Facilities, and Capital (大題) President Xiong added, “The future of an enterprise is still based on talented persons, technology, facilities, and the competition in capital investment.” Shitelao has the best corporate culture and has established its own technical team with a stable capacity. The turnover of its employees is almost down to zero. The development of an enterprise must rely on the recruitment of best talented employees and a system to ensure their welfare. In addition, the continuous improvement and optimization on its facilities and management can enhance the competitive edge of the enterprise in various sectors. With good quality of products, technical advantages, and practical experience, Shitelao supplies products to domestic China, Southeast Asia, S. Korea, Japan, Brazil, Turkey, Chile, N. America, and Switzerland. Products are widely used in vessel, bridge, railway, mechanical engineering, and mining industries. It has also made dealing and cooperative agreements with several trading companies based in Switzerland and Germany to market its SZJYD™ lock washers to the world.


国家省份: 中国 广东省
展商类型: 装备制造

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