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湖北江汉石油仪器仪表股份有限公司 - Hubei Jianghan Petroleum Instrument & Meter CO., ltd湖北江汉石油仪器仪表股份有限公司
Hubei Jianghan Petroleum Instrument & Meter CO., ltd

        湖北江汉石油仪器仪表股份有限公司(以下简称“江仪股份”)是技术实力最雄厚的石油仪器仪表专业化企业之一,集石油仪器仪表生产与制造、技术研究与开发、国内外营销与服务为一体,历经四十多年发展,企业先后获得中国石油天然气公司“高新技术企业”、湖北省“高新技术企业”、湖北省“行业十强企业”、湖北省 “科技创业明星企业”等荣誉。江仪股份坚持走专业化生产石油仪器仪表的发展道路,以领先的技术、过硬的质量、周到的服务赢得市场,可向石油石化提供钻(修)井、高(低)压试井、生产测井、量值传递、炼化仪器仪表5大类近百个品种不同规格的产品。公司拥有1项发明专利、10项实用新型专利、4项中国石化集团专有技术,主持编写、修订和注册了1项国家标准、9项石油仪器仪表行业标准,有8项新产品荣获国家、湖北省、部级重点新产品和优质产品证书。产品畅销全国各油田,部分国外油田。江仪股份拥有雄厚的技术实力和先进的生产工艺,坚持“关注顾客、持续改进、石钥品牌、永居领先”的质量方针,建立了完整的质量保证体系。1997年取得 ISO9001质量体系认证,2008年企业质量管理体系、死绳固定器产品通过API认证,“石钥牌”仪器仪表的品质公信力不断提升。SZJ型系列钻修井多参数仪被中国国际贸易促进委员会和法国科技质量监督评价委员会列为中国进入WTO推荐产品,JZ系列指重表多次荣获“湖北省名牌产品”称号。 江仪股份热忱欢迎各界专家、客户、朋友来进行技术交流和商业洽谈。公司拥有便捷的商业网络平台,并在国内各大油田设有销售服务机构。江仪股份愿与您精诚合作,共同成就辉煌事业,携手创造美好明天!

Hubei Jianghan Petroleum Instrument & Meter Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as JPIM), is one of the specialized petroleum instrument and meter manufacturers with the most abundant technical strength. JPIM integrates petroleum instrumentation production and manufacture, technical research and development, domestic and overseas sale and service. In its more than forty years’ development, JPIM has been successively awarded a lot of honors as “High-Tech Enterprise” by China Oil & Gas Company, Top-Ten Enterprise by Hubei Province and “Famous Enterprise of Science and Technology” in Hubei Province. JPIM takes all the time development road of specialized manufacturer of petroleum instrument and meter and wins the market competition with advanced technology, high quality and perfect service. Each year, JPIM provides petroleum and petrochemical industries with 6 categories and nearly 100 types of products of various models as drilling and workover instruments, high-pressure and low-pressure well testing instrument, production logging tools, magnitude transfer instruments and petrochemical refinery meters. Abundant technical research and development strength has gained for the company 8 New Product and Quality Product Certificates at national, provincial and ministerial level, 11 national patents, and 4 special techniques under SINOPEC. The company has compiled, revised and registered one national standard and 9 industry standards of petroleum instrumentation. JZ series weight indicating system was awarded “Hubei Provincial Famous Brand” for many times. The products are well sold in all the oilfields in China and some are exported to overseas countries and regions. JPIM has abundant technical potentiality and advanced production technology and adheres “Focusing on Customers; Continuous Innovation; Petrokey Brand, Takes the Trend” quality policy. It has set up a complete quality management and assurance system. JPIM was awarded ISO9001 quality system certificate in 1997 In the year 2008, the company gained its quality management system and deadline anchor was authorized API certificate. Credibility of Petrokey brand products is being improved continuously. Model SZJ Series Drilling Instrumentation System manufactured by JPIM was recommended as high-quality product for China\'s entry into WTO by CCPIT (China Council for the Promotion of International Trade) and ATN (Association Technologie Nouvelle De France). JPIM hereby wishes to express our heartfelt thanks to all our customers who once used or are using “PetroKey” products. We heartily welcome leaders, experts and guests from all over the world to come here to have technical and business negotiation and cooperation. JPIM has a convenient business network platform and sets up its sales and service center in all the oilfields around the country. JPIM is willing to cooperate sincerely with you to create a brilliant career and achieve a promising future.


行业类目: 物探、测井、钻井技术与设备
国家省份: 中国 湖北省
展商类型: 装备制造

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