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四川永贵科技有限公司 - Sichuan Yonggui Science and Technology Co.,Ltd.四川永贵科技有限公司
Sichuan Yonggui Science and Technology Co.,Ltd.

四川永贵科技有限公司创办于2008年,隶属于浙江永贵电器股份有限公司(始创于1973年,为铁道部定点电连接器生产企业,并于2012年9月20日在深交所成功上市,股票名称:永贵电器;股票代码:300351),公司注册资金人民币1000万元。 公司创办于2006年10月(绵阳菲默斯科技开发有限公司),从成立之初始致力于铁 路机 车车辆、石油化工、工业控制、船舶、军工、清洁能源等项目产品的研发,承担了总公司85%以上项目新产品的研发任务,同时拥有所经营产品的自主进出口权。公司于2009年1月~2013年6月期间先后获得22项国家实用新型专利。2010年5月“高密度光电混合传输电连接器”列入国家火炬计划项目。到目前为止公司研制出了几千种规格产品,广泛应用于轨道交通、石油勘探、军工通讯、工业设备、风力发电及新能源汽车等领域。同时,公司产品直接或间接出口到世界十多个国家和地区,深得客户的好评。 公司坐落于中国科技城四川省绵阳市科创园区,距绵广高速绵阳入口约2公里。厂区建筑面积约27000平方米,各类配套设施完善。公司拥有一支具有丰富的电连接器专业知识的专家队伍和管理团队(公司拥有技术研发人员近60人,其中高级技术职称以上15人),能为客户提供连接与互连技术的系统解决方案。同时,公司技术中心被评为“市级技术中心”。公司先后通过了“ISO9001质量管理体系认证”、“GJB9001B军工产品质量管理体系认证”、“ISO/TS16949:2009汽车零部件生产体系认证”、“ISO14001环境管理体系认证”及“GB/T28001职业健康安全管理体系认证”。 公司以 “诚信、和谐、敬业,创造客户价值”为经营理念,用一流的产品、一流的质量、一流的服务奉献于顾客,永贵员工秉持“同一个目标、同一个理想”的观念共谋发展。我们的宗旨是:“时刻跟随市场发展,始终关注顾客需求”。 四川永贵科技有限公司愿与国内外新老朋友真诚合作,共谋发展之大业。

Sichuan Yonggui Science and Technology Co., Ltd was originated in Oct.2006,it’s the subsidiary company of Zhejiang Yonggui Electric Equipment Co., Ltd(It was originated in 1973 and appointed as the connector produce enterprise by Railway Department. In 20th September 2012, Yonggui went public on Shenzhen stock exchange, stock name:Yonggui Electric Equipment,stock code:300351),Registered capital 10 million RMB. October 2006, Famous Science & Technology Development Co. Ltd. was founded in Mianyang, which is the predecessor of Sichuan Yonggui Science & Technology Co.,Ltd.. From the initial of the establishment, we committed to develop railway rolling stock, petrochemicals, industrial control, ships, military industry and clean energy projects. We responsible more than 85% of the new products project\\\'s R&D tasks in Yonggui Electric Company and own the import and export right of them. From January 2009 to June 2013, the company won 22 national utility model patents. May 2010, the high-density optical hybrid transmission electrical connection was included in the National Torch Plan Project. Until now Sichuan Yonggui developed thousands of products and use wildly in railway rolling stock, petrochemicals, industrial control, ships, military industry and clean energy projects. At the same time, the company\\\'s products, directly or indirectly exported to more than 10 countries in the world and recognized by clients. Company located in Mianyang Technology Park, covers an area of 40 acres and building area of 27,000square meters, the supporting facilities are complete. We have an expert team and managment team can supply the high quality product and systematic connection technology solutions (52 technical staff (15 senior titles)).Company obtained the ISO9001: 2000 quality management system, the ISO/TS16949: 2009, and the ISO14001 and ISO18001 certification “To be honesty, harmonious, respect work and create value for client” is our management intention. We will supply client the topping product, topping quality and topping service, Yonggui staff maintain \\\"the same goal, the same cause\\\" to seek common development. Our tenet is \\\"Always follow the development of the market, and always been concerned about customers’ needs\\\" Sichuan Yonggui sincerely hopes cooperate with the new and old friend from overseas or domestic and seek the common development.


国家省份: 中国 四川省
展商类型: 装备制造

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