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安徽巨盛石油钻采配件有限公司 - Anhui Jusheng Petroleum Drilling Accessories Co., Ltd安徽巨盛石油钻采配件有限公司
Anhui Jusheng Petroleum Drilling Accessories Co., Ltd

   安徽巨盛石油钻采配件有限公司注册于2013年2月份,注册地址位于安徽省庐江县城西开发区罗河路170号。    公司是一家拥有独立自主知识产权,应用高新科学技术专业从事钻井泥浆泵配件、抽油泵配件、超高压输送配件、高分子复合材料和超硬高强复合材料等应用产品设计、生产和制造的科技型公司,公司拥有已获国家批准的40多项专利。公司正在申请办理完整的质量控制和健康安全环保管理体系。    目前已经成功开发的产品有:钻井泥浆泵用化学法氧化锆陶瓷缸套,长寿命活塞及耐高温耐高压活塞,陶瓷柱塞,抽油泵用化学法氧化锆陶瓷缸套,长寿命阀体阀座,双金属缸套,金属基复合陶瓷缸套,全陶瓷阀门(包括闸阀、球阀、碟阀、截止阀、止回阀等),陶瓷防弹片,陶瓷摩擦盘,金刚石聚晶复合片钻头,耐磨陶瓷复合片及其管道等产品。现已销售到渤海钻探、川庆钻探、西部钻探、长城钻探、中海油服(上海)、宝鸡石油机械厂、美国、阿联酋、欧洲以及华中科技大学等单位和国家。    公司产品广发应用于石油、矿山、纺织、核电站、化工、机械、电力、冶金、医疗、制药、环保、汽车、地质勘探和军工等领域。 公司秉承“质量第一、用户至上”的经营理念为广大国内外新老朋友提供优质的产品,希望通过我们真诚周到的服务能和您结伴成长期的战略合作伙伴,同时欢迎新老朋友来厂参观指导!

Registered in Feb. 2013, Anhui Jusheng Petroleum Drilling Accessories Co., Ltd., is located in No., 170, Luohe Road, Chengxi Development Zone, Lujiang County, Anhui Province. Jusheng, which is a S&T company with independent intellectual property rights, is engaged in the design, manufacturing and sales of the drilling mud pump accessories, defueling pump accessories and super hard and high intensity composite materials. Our company has more than 40 patents approved by China, obtains Chinese High-Tech Enterprise Certification, and passes ISO9000 and Integration of Information and Technology and Industrialization. Our company has developed a series of products, such as pure zirconia ceramic liner for drilling mud pump, zirconia base ceramic liner, composite ceramic liner, aluminium chrome alloy cylinder liner, ceramic piston, ceramic plunger, ceramic liner for defueling pump, wear-resistant ceramic pipe. Our products have not only sold to companies such as Bohai drilling, Chuanqing Drilling, Western Drilling, Grea Wall Drilling, China Oilfield Services in China, but also sold to middle east, Russia, USA etc. Our products are widely applied on petroleum, mining, chemical engineering, mechanical, metallurgy, geological exploration, military etc.    To offer our customer high quality products and excellent services, our business philosophy is "Quality first, Customer first". We hope to provide our sincere and thoughtful service to be your long-term strategic partnership. Welcome all friends to come here and give us good advice.


国家省份: 中国 安徽省
展商类型: 装备制造

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