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特雷克斯(常州)机械有限公司 - Terex (Changzhou) Machinery Co, LTD特雷克斯(常州)机械有限公司
Terex (Changzhou) Machinery Co, LTD

特雷克斯公司旗下高空作业平台部门是行业领先的高空作业平台品牌,旗下展品包括物料升降机、高空作业平台、剪型高空作业平台、自行式直臂型高空作业平台、曲臂型高空作业平台和粗糙地面叉装机等。这些设备确保高空作业的安全和高效,并能向高空输送物资。吉尼隶属于特雷克斯公司(纽约证券交易所上市公司)。特雷克斯是一家全球性多元化的设备制造商,总部设在美国康涅狄格州韦斯特波特市。 吉尼的产品因其创新的设计和优越的品质享誉全球。吉尼的工厂遵循精益生产的原则,更注重品质监控和产品的快速交付。公司对客户的支付与服务也在业界受到广泛认可,它致力于提供最优质的服务。 吉尼已经在北美和欧洲建立了多个工厂,2010年底,它正式落户中国常州。新工厂占地面积约260,000平方英尺,兼备产品制造、零件配送和服务中心的功能,是特雷克斯高空作业平台部向“制造适合本土市场产品”这一全球发展战略跨出的重要一步。新工厂设备先进的制造车间将完全遵循特雷克斯商业体系中的精益制造原则,宽敞的展示空间以陈列各类产品,还有为客户、经销商和员工专设的培训区域。中国已经成为高空作业平台的一个重要市场,也是一个日益成熟的市场。在中国实现生产制造缩短了交货时间,同时也使其它地区的制造基地有更大的生产能力服务于本地市场,使公司的运作更有效率。

Genie is an industry leader in the production of material lifts, aerial work platforms, scissor lifts, self-propelled telescopic and articulated booms, and telehandlers. This equipment is designed to enable people to work at height, safely and efficiently or to lift material in this manner. Genie is part of Terex Corporation (NYSE: TEX), a diversified global manufacturer of machinery and industrial products, based in Westport, Conn. Over time, with growing demand for work lifts and platforms, Genie expanded operations and established itself in new markets. Since then, products such as man-lifts, stick booms, articulated booms, light towers, and telehandlers have been added to the Genie® product line. Genie® products are globally known for their innovative design and superior product quality. The facilities follow lean manufacturing best practices, which emphasize quality control and quick delivery of products to customers. The company’s customer support, and service are generally acknowledged in the industries it serves for providing excellent services. The Genie® 360°™ program offers a full range of customer support services, from training to parts to equipment refurbishing. Genie® customers can work with Terex Financial Services, which offers a variety of financial solutions, customizable for every need. For information about Genie products and services, visit www.genielift.com or www.terex.com.


国家省份: 美国
展商类型: 装备制造

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