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西梅卡亚洲气体系统成都有限公司 - SMC Asia Gas Systems Co.,Ltd - Chengdu西梅卡亚洲气体系统成都有限公司
SMC Asia Gas Systems Co.,Ltd - Chengdu

西梅卡亚洲气体系统成都有限公司,是美国创新气体系统集团 (Innovative Gas Systems,简称IGS)于1995年在中国投资创办的一家外商独资企业,公司主要业务包含设计、生产和销售各种气体分离系统,出租各类气体生产设备。 凭借IGS集团的先进技术、产品、应用及管理经验, 西梅卡在中国近20年来,致力于为各行业的中高端用户提供先进的现场制气(氮气、氧气)解决方案。 无论是在油气的上、下游, 陆地还是海洋, 都能看到西梅卡设备的身影。 西梅卡在油气领域的产品及服务包含:用于三采增产配套作业、管道试压的移动式制氮车、气体钻井用的箱式制氮装置及管道吹扫制氮车(一步法30公斤氮气)、 天然气压缩或输送之美国通用增压机系统,以及海洋平台、天然气净化厂、LNG接收站、石油炼化厂、油气储库等的固定式变压吸附制氮或膜制氮设备及服务; 西梅卡是中石油、中石化及中海油合格供应商。 西梅卡的部分客户包括:SHELL、BP、HALLIBURTON、WEAHTHERFORD、EXXON、TOTAL…以及中石油、中石化、中海油属下的新疆、四川、长庆、辽河、大庆、华北、西南、中原、河南、胜利、江汉、天津、深圳…… 西梅卡期待着为您提供及时、专业、优质的产品及服务。

SMC Asia Gas Systems Co,. Ltd – Chengdu, a fully owned subsidiary company of U.S.A innovative gas systems group (IGS Group), founded in 1995. The major business of SMC includes designing, production and sales for various gas separation systems and rental gas generation equipments. During the past 20 years, with the advanced technology, production, application and management experience from IGS Group, SMC has been supplying the solutions of on-site gas generation(Nitrogen and Oxygen) aiming at the middle and advanced users. Whatever Oil & Gas field upstream or downstream, onshore or offshore, SMC’s equipments are there. SMC’s typical products and service for Oil & Gas is including: NPU(Mobile Nitrogen Production Unit) for EOR and pipeline pressure test, containerized NPU for gas drilling, NPU for pipeline purging (Up to 30bar without booster), GE Booster for natural gas compression and transport, stationery PSA (Pressure Swing Absorption) and membrane nitrogen systems for offshore platform, natural gas purification, LNG terminal, Oil refinery, Oil & Gas storage etc. As a qualified supplier for CNPC, SINOPEC and CNOOC, the reference of SMC include: SHELL, BP,HALLIBURTON,WEAHTHERFORD,EXXON,TOTAL… and CNPC, SINOPEC & CNOOC, covering Sichuan, Changqing, Liaohe, Daqing, Huabei, Xinan, Zhongyuan, Henan, Shengli, Jianghan, Tianjin, Shenzhen Oil & Gas fields, terminals or plants owned. SMC is ready to supply professional &superior product and service for you.


行业类目: 油气管道建设工程技术和设备
国家省份: 中国 四川省
展商类型: 装备制造

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