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宁波天元压缩机有限公司 - NINGBO TIANYUAN COMPRESSOR CO., LTD宁波天元压缩机有限公司

宁波天元压缩机有限公司前身是地方国营宁波农业机械厂,创建于1956年3月,当时中央农业机械部拨款80万元,研发生产了10╳10混流式水泵,华东水田犁,电动、手动插秧机等,其中电动插秧机在省农业展览馆首届展出,并在国内推广使用。1962年6月更名为地方国营鄞县农机修造厂,同年试制成功了浙农“380”饲料粉碎机,经省机械厅鉴定合格,1965年--1969年试制成功了Z32K摇臂钻床和空气锤。1969年试制成功了C630车床。1977年厂更名为“地方国营鄞县通用机械厂”,当年开始试制生产空气压缩机,并成功试制了1-0.27/150型、CZ-20/30型空气压缩机,1979年11月又试制成功CZ-0.41/200型空压机,通过了部级鉴定。1984年试制成功了CZ-0.42/150型高压空压机自控装置,此型空压机自控装置获得县科技成果二等奖。同年企业改名为宁波压缩机厂。1985年、1986年两年连续荣获市人民政府授予的市级六好企业称号。   1995年因企业转制厂更名为宁波天元压缩机有限公司,现在企业的性质为有限责任公司,隶属于鄞州区经济发展局。公司注册地为宁波市长春路35号,生产基地设在宁波市东钱湖旅游开发区黄隘工业区内。随着前辈50余年的创业史,目前我公司继承了老一辈的光荣传统。随着改革开放,国民经济迅猛发展的今天,我公司已成为军工重点配套研制生产的企业。形成了专业设计和生产经营军用、船用、民用微型、低、中、高压空气压缩机的企业。公司生产的各种系列空压机的特点是:重量轻、体积小、压力高、能耗低,公司以雄厚的技术力量和精良的检测设备为基础,先进的管理模式为台阶,多年来被评为“重合同,守信用”先进单位,是宁波市AAA级资信等级企业。   公司于1996年6月通过了中国新时代质量体系认证中心的ISO9001-2000质量体系认证,1996年11月通过了中国新时代质量体系认证中心GB/T19001-2000质量管理体系复评。1998年通过了中国新时代质量认证中心GJB9001A-2001军工产品质量体系认证。2008年10月通过了海军装备承制单位质量管理体系,2009年8月通过了武器装备科研生产单位保密资格审查认证,2009年9月通过了装备承制单位资格审查。   1986年9月被授予省二级计量合格证书,1993年通过了国防三级计量。1994年12月船用产品经中国船级社CCS认可,并于1999年4月,2003年11月,2008年6月通过了复审。   公司的空压机系列产品为:CZ-20/30,CW-60/30,V-0.7/30,1-0.27/150,CZ-0.42/150,CZ-0.41/200,V-50/150。其中CZ-20/30,1-0.27/150,CZ-0.42/150型系列空压机被评为浙江省优质产品。   公司生产的微型中、高压空气压缩机广泛应用于军用和民用。在民用上应用有:船舶、机械、冶金、石油、塑料、化工、水电、交通、建筑、安装、水下作业及科研等。如大中型内燃机起动,油田钻机,抽油机,压力试验,气密性试验以及同等技术参数要求的场所。其中我公司为石化钻机配套还特别研发了1-0.27/150耐低温空气压缩机(可在零下55℃低温使用)。   我公司继承了原国有企业多年积累的质量管理先进经验,严格执行军工生产的法律法规,以GJB9001B-2009军工产品质量管理体系为目标,一如继往地坚持:科技为先、质量优良、持续改进、顾客满意的质量方针。 在人力资源方面: 1)我公司有一支强大的技术队伍,另也聘请了西安交大的教授担任我公司的技术顾问,在产品的设计、工艺上得到了保证。 2)公司拥有556台(件)的计量检测设备及器具,并通过国防三级计量,能在材料及产品零部件加工精度上得到保证。 3)设备、工装质量受控、关键操作人员培训到位。 4)公司建立了强大的售后服务队伍、售后服务人员业务素质精良,服务到位为顾客配套使用的产品得到了有效的保障。多年以来我公司的产品质量受到了部队和上级机关的认可,得到了造船厂及各配套单位的好评。   今后我们将更加努力,向社会提供高可靠、高适应性、低能耗的优质产品。

NINGBO TIANYUAN COMPRESSOR CO., LTD., whose predecessor is Local State-operated Ningbo Agricultural Machinery Factory, founded in March 1956, the central government agricultural machinery department allocated 800,000 yuan at that time, produced a 10 ╳ 10 mixed-flow pumps, Eastern paddy field plough, electric and manual planting machines. The electric planting machines are exhibited in the first province agricultural exhibition and promoted to use in the country. In June 1962, the company changed its name to Local State-operated Yinxian Agricultural Machinery Factory. At the same time, it succeeded in trial-producing of "380" feed mill and accredited by the Provincial Office Machinery. 1965 - 1969, it succeeded in trial-producing of Z32K radial drilling machine and the air hammer. In 1969, it succeeded in C630 lathe. In 1977, the factory renamed as Local State-operated Yinxian General Machinery Factory, started to trial-produce air compressor in this year, and succeeded in 1-0.27/150 type, CZ-20/30 air compressor. In November 1979, there were another successful trial CZ-0.41/200 air compressor, identified by the ministry. In 1984, high-pressure air compressor CZ-0.42/150 controlled devices, which gained second class prize of county scientific and technological achievements, changed the name to Ningbo Compressor Factory this year. The factory got six-excellence enterprise of the city in 1985 and 1986.   In 1995, the factory was renamed as NINGBO TIANYUAN COMPRESSOR CO., LTD. because of the corporation restructuring. Now the property is limited liablity company, attach to Yinzhou District Economic Development Bureau. The corporate seat is No.35 Changchun road, Ningbo. The production base is Huangai Industrial Zone of Ningbo Dongqian Lake Tourism Development Zone. Over 50 years of predecessor’s business history, we have nherited the glorious tradition. With the reform and open, the rapid development of the national economy today, we have become the key mating manufacture of war industry. The features of our air compressors are: light weight, small volume, high pressure, low energy consumption. The strong technical force and excellent inspection equipment as the base, the advanced management mode as the step, we have been named as advanced unit of “strictly abide by contracts and keep words” many years, we are the AAA grade credit rating company.   In June 1996, the company passed ISO9001-2000 quality system certification of China New Age Quality Certification Centre. In November 1996, passed GB/T19001-2000 quality management system re-evaluation. In 1998, GJB9001A-2001 quality system certification of military products. In October 2008, aval Equipment manufacturing unit quality management system. In August 2009, the confidentiality of weaponry research and production unit qualification certification. In September 2009, the Equipment manufacturing unit qualification.   In september 1986, the company was awarded as Provincial Secondary Measure Qualified Certificate. In 1993, it passed national defense three-level measure. In December 1994, pproved by the China Classification Society CCS, and passed the review in April 1999, November 2003 and June 2008.   Air compressor series include: CZ-20/30, CW-60/30, V-0.7/30, 1-0.27/150, CZ-0.42/150, CZ-0.41/200, V-50/150. CZ-20/30, 1-0.27/150, CZ-0.42/150 were awarded as Zhejiang Province High Quality Products. The micro-middle and high pressure air compressors are widely used for military and civilian. Apply in the civilian are: shipping, machinery, metallurgy, petroleum, plastics, chemicals, utilities, transportation, construction, installation, underwater operations and scientific research, such as medium-sized internal combustion engine starter, oil rigs, pumping units, pressure testing, leak test and place the same technical parameters required. We specially developed 1-0.27/150 able to bear low temperature(use under minus 55 ℃), matching with Petrochemical drilling machine.  The company inherited the accumulated experience in quality management of the former state-owned enterprise. We execute the laws and regulations of war production strictly, and set the goal of GJB9001A-2001 military quality reasonable system, stick to the quality policy: technology first, high quality, keeping improvement and customer satisfaction. Human resources: 1) We have a a strong technical team, employ a professor of Xi'an Jiaotong University as the technical consultant, which ensure the design and technology. 2) The company has 556 sets (pieces) of measuring testing equipment and apparatus, and passed through the national defense three-level measure, which ensure the precision of materials and machining parts processing. 3) Equipment, tooling quality controlled, the key operator are trained in place. 4) The company has established a strong after-sales service team, excellent professional qualities of after-sales service personnel, and service for customers in place, which effectively guarantee the use. Our products are recognized by the troops and higher authority and win good repttation of shipyard and mating units.   We will still work hard to provide reliable, high adaptability, low-power high-quality products.


行业类目: 流体机械设备与技术
国家省份: 中国 浙江省
展商类型: 装备制造

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