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雅柯斯电力科技 - 雅柯斯电力科技

        雅柯斯公司总部位于欧洲文化之都——伊斯坦布尔,隶属于拥有50年历史并享誉欧洲的卡扎奇控股集团。雅柯斯电力系统专注于发电设备的研发、制造、销售以及电站租赁,是雅柯斯公司的全资子公司,全球范围内拥有员工近2500人。早在上世纪90年代末,位于新加坡的雅柯斯远东有限公司就已通过中国的经销商将雅柯斯电力系统的优质产品及服务带入了中国市场,同时也得到了中国广大用户的认可,在中国石化、中国石油、国家电网、工商银行、建设银行、农业银行、中铁集团、中国电信、中交集团、中国华能、神华集团、深圳华为、华润集团、中国国电、中国建材、延长石油、中兴通讯、戴尔(中国)、酒钢集团、武汉铁路局、中材集团、三一集团、葛洲坝集团、紫金矿业、中国西电、陕西建工等中国500强企业以及青藏铁路、西安咸阳国际机场等国家重点建设项目均有雅柯斯电力系统的优异表现。 2007年1月,雅柯斯电力系统进入中国,并在江苏省常州出口加工区注册成立了雅柯斯发电机(常州)有限公司,投资总额近1000万美元,拥有10条发电机组组装流水线、10个发电机组测试台位、1条控制系统集成流水线、1条散热系统生产流水线、2条ATS装配线、1条数控加工流水线。工厂拥有年产10000台套发电机组的生产能力,2008年实际产销量近8000台套,销售额近5亿元,一跃成为中国技术领先、规模最大的柴油发电机组制造商之一。

Founded as an electrical motor factory by Ali Metin Kazanci in 1968, AKSA manufactured its first generator in 1984 and became an expert in machinery and hardware for electrical energy supply in a short amount of time. In 1994, Aksa community became corporate under the name Kazanci Holding and reorganized, achieving its current structure. Aksa has been the leader of generating sets market for a long period of time and is among Turkey’s largest 200 industrial companies and exporters. Aksa Generators manufactures gasoline, diesel, natural gas and marine generating sets, lighting towers and generator hardware in the manufacturing facilities in Istanbul and Changzhou (20.000m2 of indoor space in each); and has become a leader and pioneer within the sector. Aksa Generator exports more than 50% of its products and is among the top ten global firms of the sector with 12 offices located in Asia, Europe and Africa. Being one of the first manufacturers of natural gas generator sets of the world, Aksa Generators withholds an undisputed supremacy with respect to synchronized sets. Aksa Generators increases its investments continuously in technology to remain the pioneer of change by the manufacturing of more soundproof, environment-friendly generators with lower fuel consumption.


行业类目: 发电机组等动力机械设备
国家省份: 中国 江苏省
展商类型: 综合公司

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