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卓轮(天津)机械有限公司 - Zollern(Tianjin)Machinery Co.,LTD卓轮(天津)机械有限公司
Zollern(Tianjin)Machinery Co.,LTD

卓轮(ZOLLERN)机械有限公司成立于1708年, 总部位于德国巴登—符登堡州。卓轮(ZOLLERN)公司是一家家族型企业,是以专业制造行星齿轮减速机、行星齿轮增速机、大型非标平行轴减速机见长的公司,至今已有30年的制造行星齿轮减速机的历史。并由此积累了大量生产和制造行星齿轮减速机相关经验,是欧洲著名的减速机制造企业,也是世界上为数不多专门制造行星齿轮减速机的公司之一。 卓轮(ZOLLERN)减速机有限公司鉴于自身发展的需要和中国飞速发展的形势,也为了能为中国的客户及时提供服务和所需的产品,于1997年7月在中国天津的经济技术开发区(TEDA)内,成立了德国独资的卓轮(天津)机械有限公司。我公司坐落于天津经济技术开发区第十一大街79号。全权负责卓轮 (ZOLLERN) 公司产品在中国的生产、销售。同时,卓轮(天津)公司完全秉承了卓轮(ZOLLERN)公司的产品设计、生产、组装和质检以为客户服务为宗旨的传统,向客户提供形式多样的产品;始终如一的质量以及人性化的服务。我们始终认为,我们的减速机和卷扬机等产品是客户和我们共同合作的结果。只有我们全心全意的服务于用户并和客户密切合作,才会生产出技术性能最佳、最经济、最实用,而又能满足客户需要,其中包括各种特殊要求的产品。因此,我们一直在努力使我们能在客户最需要的时候,及时为客户提供最有效的服务。德国独资的卓轮(天津)机械有限公司在德国总部的支持下,不断扩大在中国市场的影响,销售额已于2005年突破亿元大关。随着国内市场不断的发展,卓轮(天津)公司已在上海、北京、沈阳、大连、西安、济南、武汉、长沙、南京、成都、广州设有驻外办事机构,以利更好的为广大的用户服务。

Zollern GmbH & Co KG was founded in 1708, headquarter of the company was located in Baden-Wuerttemberg Germany. Zollern is a family business, Our Transmission technology business unit specializes in the product groups slide bearings, gears and winches according to customer specification, as well as linear elements for automation technology, and we already have 30 years history of manufacturing the planetary gear boxes, also with the full experience of manufacturing the gear boxes. Zollern is a famous gear boxes producer in Europe; it is also one of the unusual special planetary gear boxes producers in the world. Zollern GmbH & Co KG can supply the best customer service and the best productions based on the fast developing of the Chinese economy and Zollern itself. Zollern (Tianjin) machinery was founded on July 1997, and located in TEDA (Tianjin). Zollern (Tianjin) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Zollern GmbH & Co KG in China. Zollern (Tianjin) has accumulated a great experience of producing and manufacturing planetary gear boxes, and has fully extended the producing, design, manufacturing and QC technique of Zollern HQ in Germany. We offer the highest quality of productions and services to our customers. We considered that our gear box is the result of the perfect cooperation between our customers and us. We can only produce the best technical, most economical, and the most promising productions which based on the close co-operation with the customers, also include the special productions. That’s the reason why we are trying to do our best to provide the best service when the customers need. Zollern (Tianjin) machinery co., ltd is expanding the influence in the Chinese market by the support from German HQ. The sales value has exceeded 100 million RMB back to year 2005. Based on the fast developing of the domestic market, Zollern Tianjin has set up lots of branches in Shanghai Beijing Shenyang Dalian Xian Jinan Wuhan Changsha Nanjing Chengdu and Guangzhou to provide the better service to our customers.


行业类目: 发电机组等动力机械设备
国家省份: 中国 天津市
展商类型: 装备制造

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