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SPX液压技术中国区 - SPX Hydraulic TechniqueSPX液压技术中国区
SPX Hydraulic Technique

斯必克公司(纽约证券交易所代码:SPW)是一家财富500强的跨行业工业生产领导者。公司总部位于美国北卡罗莱纳州的夏洛特,年销售收入约50亿美金,业务遍布全球超过35个国家并拥有约15,500名员工。 公司提供高度专业化的技术、产品和工程解决方案,帮助客户在基础建设、流程工艺与诊断系统等三大核心领域解决关键问题。斯必克众多创新解决方案,对满足全球,尤其是新兴市场不断增长的电力、加工食品、饮料和汽车服务的需求起到重要作用。 公司广泛的产品线包括为电厂提供热交换器;为电力公司提供变压器;为食品饮料行业提供流体加工设备;为车辆的维修保养提供诊断工具与设备。 斯必克公司荣登“2010跨国公司中国贡献奖”百佳榜单。该奖项由中国企业报社和中国企业CSR研究中心联合颁发,旨在表彰对中国经济和社会环境做出杰出贡献的跨国公司。斯必克公司在企业社会责任方面的卓越贡献获《企业责任专员杂志》认可,荣登“2008百佳企业公民”榜单。斯必克公司在《财富杂志》2011年公布的“美国财富企业500强”榜单上位列工业制造组第五名。斯必克公司在2008和2009年连续两年荣登著名财经杂志《巴伦》的“美国企业500强”榜单,位列前五十位。

Based in Charlotte, North Carolina, SPX Corporation (NYSE: SPW) is a Fortune 500 multi-industry manufacturing leader with approximately $5 billion in annual revenue, operations in more than 35 countries and about 15,500 employees. The company’s highly-specialized engineered products and technologies serve customers in three primary strategic markets: infrastructure, process solutions and diagnostic systems. Many of SPX's innovative solutions are playing a role in helping to meet the rising global demand, particularly in emerging markets, for electricity, processed foods and beverages, and vehicle services. The company's products include thermal heat transfer equipment for power plants; power transformers for utility companies; process equipment for the food and beverage industry; and diagnostic tools and equipment for the vehicle service industry. SPX ranked top 100 on the “2010 China Multinational Corporation Contribution List”, which recognizes SPX’s outstanding contributions to China’s economic, social and environmental development. SPX was named to Corporate Responsibility Officer (CRO) magazine’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens in 2008, an annual scorecard recognizing excellence in corporate responsibility efforts. SPX ranked 5th in the industrial machinery category on the Fortune 500 list in 2011, which is the magazine’s annual ranking of America’s largest corporations by Fortune Magazine. SPX ranked among the top 50 companies in the Barron’s 500, the financial magazine’s annual list of “America’s Best Companies” for 2008 and 2009.


行业类目: 设备检修、维护与管理
国家省份: 美国 其他(国外企业)
展商类型: 装备制造

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