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迈斯科(北京)贸易有限公司 - MASCOAT System Co.Ltd迈斯科(北京)贸易有限公司
MASCOAT System Co.Ltd

美国MASCOAT公司由乔治摩尔先生于1995年创立,现在已经成为一家世界领先的绝缘涂瓷企业。能提供包括如石油,化工,纺织,造纸,食品加工,建筑等工业,建筑领域以及路上交通工具,造船等领域用高科技涂瓷产品。并为客户提供附加价值方案。公司的各种产品技术已通过了包括 美国西南研究院,劳氏船级社,美国海岸警卫队和美国国防部等众多机构认证。MASCOAT 的每项产品都是针对不同市场需求而研发并在严格质量控制下生产的。 位于美国德克萨斯州休斯顿市的公司总部及生产基地拥有先进的实验室,热分析部,生产部,销售和市场部。从产品的定制,生产到运输各个环节都最大限度保证客户满意。 从2010年开始,随着在荷兰Waalwijk市欧洲办公室的开业,MASCOAT公司开始在全球扩展业务,位于中国北京的新办公室将于2011年开始其在华业务。其遍布全球的合作伙伴将确保把MASCOAT 的产品及服务及时传达至您的手中。

Founded by George More in 1995, Mascoat has become a world leader in premium insulating coatings. Our science-based product line is utilized in a variety of industrial, transportation and marine settings, and our company is committed to product value, exceptional customer service and engineering innovation. Mascoat insulation solutions have been validated by dozens of certifying agencies, including the Southwest Research Institute, Lloyd’s Register, the U.S. Coast Guard and the U.S. Department of Defense. Each of Mascoat’s products are created to suit market-specific needs, and are developed and manufactured by a dedicated team of engineers and quality control experts. Based out of Houston, Texas, Mascoat’s flagship facility houses a research and development lab, thermal engineering department, production department, sales team and business development branch. From conception to delivery, our Houston team controls the engineering, manufacturing and delivery of each coating in order to guarantee customer satisfaction and monitor product quality. In 2010, Mascoat began its global expansion with the opening of an office in Waalwijk, The Netherlands and continued that expansion in 2011 with an office in Beijing, China. Fully equipped to provide sales and service support, the new locations enable the company to offer fast response times and expedited delivery for European and Asian clients. In addition, Mascoat’s worldwide distributors help to ensure that Mascoat coatings can be delivered to virtually any job site in a matter of days. Contact a Mascoat specialist today at 1-800-549-0043 to discuss our products, locate a distributor in your area or learn more about the Mascoat coating family.


行业类目: 环保、节能与安全管理装备
国家省份: 中国 北京市
展商类型: 装备制造

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