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山东威马泵业股份有限公司 - Shandong Weima Pumps Manufacturing Co., Ltd山东威马泵业股份有限公司
Shandong Weima Pumps Manufacturing Co., Ltd

山东威马泵业有限公司位于山东莱芜高新技术开发区,始建于1994年,是石油开采设备的专业生产厂家,中国石油天然气股份有限公司、中国石油化工股份有限公司一级物资供应商,中国石油和石油化工设备工业行业AAA级信用单位。公司占地面积150亩,厂房面积30000平方米,注册资本金8000万元;现有员工452人,其中大中专毕业生占职工总人数的58%,具有中高级职称的职工占总人数的27%。公司年产抽油泵32000余台, 年销30000余台,2012年实现销售收入2.1亿元。公司于2000年通过了ISO9001国际质量体系认证;2008年通过了美国石油协会的API认证;随后通过了ISO14001:2004环境管理体系认证和BS-OHSAS18001:2007职业健康安全管理体系认证。   公司自成立以来,坚持“用户第一、服务至上”的理念,努力提高产品质量和服务质量,靠质量和服务赢得市场。先后开发了胜利、青海、江汉、大庆、华北、辽河、长庆、延长、河南、吉林、新疆等市场,并设立办事处。公司拥有自主进出口权,产品出口俄罗斯、印度尼西亚、叙利亚、乌兹别克斯坦等国家。公司急用户所急,想用户所想,针对油田出砂、含气、稠油、结垢等问题,开发了几十种特种抽油泵,满足了客户的需求,赢得了客户的青睐。   在产品的实现过程中,公司严格执行相关的技术标准,实行微机过程监控,保证了生产过程和库存控制的准确性和有效性;产品主要零部件均由公司自主加工完成,工艺成熟,检测设备齐全,产品质量稳定。公司自创建以来,本着“真诚服务、感动用户”的原则,坚持“艰苦创业、诚信立业、科技兴业”的宗旨,发扬“树形象、创品牌、争一流、做贡献”的企业精神,在社会各界的支持下,企业得到了持续稳健的发展。近几年,企业规模不断扩大,销售业绩以每年30%的速度递增,呈现良好的发展势头。

Established in 1996, Shandong Weima Pumps Manufacturing Co., Ltd specializes in petroleum exploitation equipment. The company possesses three factory areas and one vacation villa. The total area is 69,500 square kilometers, of which the factory buildings cover 22,000 square kilometers. The fixed asserts reach 100,000,000 RMB yuan. There are 216 employees in the company. The main products of the company are used for artificially uplifting oil from underground, which include common tubing pumps, common rod pumps, special pumps, screw pumps (progressive cavity pump and electric submersible progressive cavity pump), numerical control electric submersible tubing pumps, and a series of other oil exploitation tools. The company owns more than 80 sets of equipment. Presently the company is able to produce annually 26,000 pumps (both common and special pumps), 2000 progressive cavity pumps and 1500 electric submersible pumps. The company has AAA Grade Credit in Chinese petroleum and chemical equipment industry. It has been certified by American Petroleum Institute, and has passed the standard attestation of ISO9001 International Quality System, ISO14001 Environmental Management System, ISO18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System and SA8000 Social Accountability Management System. The company holds the right of self-run export. the products have been supplied to most of the major oil fields in China,also have been exported to Syria, Indonesia and Uzbekistan.


行业类目: 流体机械设备与技术
国家省份: 中国 山东省
展商类型: 装备制造

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