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北京威浦实信科技有限公司 - Beijing V.P. Co., Ltd.北京威浦实信科技有限公司
Beijing V.P. Co., Ltd.

北京威浦实信科技有限公司简介 北京威浦实信科技有限公司成立于1996年,是集生产、研发、销售、进出口于一体的经营制造型高新技术企业,获得国家高新技术企业、海淀区创新企业认证资格,拥有科研成果专利授权多项,通过了ISO9001:2000国际质量认证,是中国机械工程学会、全国机泵网会员单位。 公司主营业务为生产并开发石油化工行业所需各种成套设备:如DDU抽提系统、SMB润滑油同步计量调和系统,ABB自动批量调和系统,润滑油清管扫线技术PIGGING,收发球站PIG RECEIVER,PIG LAUNCHER,管汇MANIFOLD等。 我公司是美国VIKING PUMP, PULSAFEEDER,WARRENRUPP、美国ITT GOULDS PUMPS、德国RICHTER等泵阀产品在中国的法定代理商,提供产品进口、组装、库存、技术咨询、培训和现场服务等。 我们的优势 : 技术研发力量强大:在北京石景山区设有工厂,能够独立生产、开发石油化工行业所需各种成套设备及信息化控制系统;已经获得国家专利的设备有:润滑油抽提系统DDU、润滑油调和设备SMB、液下泵、便携式消防泵、漂浮式泵、清管技术、管汇技术等; 技术更新优势突出:多年来一直与国外先进技术接轨,掌握了国外的先进技术,并在实践中总结出不同行业所需产品选型、组装、工艺参数优化、选材、配置等经验,保障现场一次开车成功率达100%。 测试技术专业权威:我公司是美国VIKING PUMP INC.在中国唯一的测试基地。可按照API标准执行气蚀余量等多项性能测试;能够对进口齿轮泵、计量泵、离心泵、气动泵、液下泵、过滤器、缓冲器、阀门及各种管路附件等进行组装测试。 提供快捷备件服务:我公司是美国VIKING PUMP INC.在中国唯一的库存商,为国内VIKING PUMP的用户提供最快捷的备件服务。并提供威浦各类润滑油调和设备的各类配件。 超强售后服务能力:公司集中电气、仪表、液压、结构等全方面专业人才,且售后服务人员每年均送往国外接受高级技术培训,所售产品均由公司高级技术人员与售后服务人员共同在现场指导用户安装调试,现场经验丰富,针对泵、控制系统中出现的各类问题,能够准确诊断、立即解决,在业界广受好评。 服务行业业绩突出:我公司给各大国有石化企业、外资、合资、民营企业提供了上万台各类特种泵、工控设备及成套装置系统。产品广泛应用于石油、石化、化工、医药、食品、日化等各种领域。在各类油品、沥青、煤化工、润滑油、粮油、油墨、化纤、氟化工、冶金、塑料等行业享有盛誉。 北京威浦公司按照现代化企业制度运作,建立了产品经营和技术服务的经营管理结构,形成系统的符合现代市场经济规律的内部管理体制。公司坚持以人为本、以科技为灵魂、以市场为导向、以管理为纽带的原则,“品质优异、客户满意”的经营理念,加强在管理、市场、技术、企业文化等方面的总结与建设,使企业沿着更加规范、更加科学的轨道高速、稳健发展。 公司地址:海淀区复兴路乙20号,汇通商务楼42号楼(西三环翠微大厦斜对面) 网 址:www.bjvp.com 电 话:010- 68219834 68224650 68217649 邮 箱:jsgou@bjvp.com

1.Company Location: The headquarter locates in FuXing Road 20#,HaiDian District, Beijing. Our factory locates in Shijingshan District of Beijing. We have a branch company in HongKong. Beijing VP Co., Ltd is a manufacturer who has produce, technical research,importing and exporting ability. 2. Beijing VP Capability:  We assemble, produce and develop various equipments widely used in oil and petrochemical process. For example, VP Drum Decanting Units (DDU), Pigging division,Manifold,Simultaneous Metering Blender (SMB), Filtering system of Offshore, VP Submerged pump, ect. We also import gear pump、metering pump、centrifugal pump、air-driven diaphragm pump、submerging pump、strainer、dampener、valves and other pipeline accessories, then assemble them and test.  Stock Center:Our company has stocks of Goulds pumps & Viking pump who can supply the spare parts to the customer in time. We also supply the spare parts for the DDU.  Technical development:We develop and manufacture the patented products:DDU for oil system、submerging pump、SMB lubrication oil blending equipment.  Control system:We research the Data Communication System (DCS) 。  Sales Center:We are Authorized distributor and provide service for VIKING PUMP,PULSAFEEDER Metering pump, WARRENRUPP air driven diaphragm pump ,ITT GOULDS PUMPS,AC PUMP ,Richter,3Z plug valves ,ect.  Testing Facility:we have testing plant for Goulds pumps & Viking pump. We can testing pump performance ,NPSHr according to API standard.  Blending Testing System : For DDU, Piggable Equipment, DCS  Hydraulic system : for some pumps could not be drived by motor  Pump Testing System for Oil & Water:We are the authorized qualify testing facility for VIKING PUMP. We can do all kinds of test according to API and GB standard.  Technical development:We develop and manufacture the patented products:DDU for oil system、submerging pump、SMB lubrication oil blending equipment.  Control system:Automatic control system for the production line。 3. Beijing VP promise of Service.  Quickly supply: The spare parts will arrive at site in time  Pump technical expert:The pump experts know fully the imported pump ,they can solve the problem in application successfully  The stock center for the customer:whole sets pumps and spare parts,we minimize the cost for the user.  Service Ability:The technical personnel has the ability to solve various problems in the pump systems.  Testing Platform:Testing the pumps for the second time to ensure the best performance of the pumps. Zero maintenance:Pump can run without changing parts for 4 years.


行业类目: 石油石化设备与制造
国家省份: 中国 北京市
展商类型: 装备制造

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