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Peak Scientific - Peak ScientificPeak Scientific
Peak Scientific

毕克科技 Peak Scientific Instruments Ltd是一家实验室气体发生器制造商,可为各大实验室分析应用提供所需的氮气、氢气以及零级空气。如LSMC(串联质谱)和GC(气相色谱)。 毕克可提供各种流量、纯度、压力和内置或者外置空压机的气体发生器,自信能满足您所有的需要。比起用易燃气体钢瓶供气,我们的气体发生器更安全,更经济,更能源源不断地为您提供所需气体,保障您的分析数据精准无误。 我们的服务和技术支持是世界一流的。我们的专业工程师一般都可以在首次访问就解决您的问题,您在世界各地都可以找到他们,虽然你并不经常需要他们。我们的实验室气体发生器不但可以胜任实验室的变化,而且可以为您提供顺畅可靠的气体。 毕克工业 我们致力于发展全套解决方案给客户,为客户提供更便捷、更安全、更高效的气体供应。 我们提供各种规格的气体发生器(PSA和膜技术)和全方位的气路解决方案,如生产气体、气体后处理和气体储存。我们还提供全方面的技术服务,从产品售前咨询到产品售后安装,并在您机器使用中,全程提供防御性的机器维护服务。 毕克——气体发生器制造业的世界领导者,拥有完整的生产体系。从设计,到制造,到分销,再到产品服务,为您的分析实验室和工业应用提供全面保障。 毕克的总部位于苏格兰的格拉斯哥。为全球80多个国家和地区的客户提供优质的服务,并且拥有全球200多个分公司和授权分销商。

Peak Scientific Peak Scientific Instruments Ltd are a manufacturer of laboratory Gas Generators including nitrogen, hydrogen and zero air suitable to operate most laboratory analytical applications such as LCMS (liquid chromatography mass spectroscopy) and GC (Gas chromatography). With varying flow rates, purities & pressures of gas generators, available with or without internal air compressors, Peak are confident to offer the complete solution to your total Gas requirements. Our Gas Generators provide a safe & economical alternative to combustible bottled Gas cylinders offering a constant purity resulting in accurate analysis. Our Service & Support is world class. Without fail our expert engineers fix problems at the first visit and you can find them all around the world- not that you will need them very often. Even though our Laboratory Gas Generators take the strain in the lab, they deliver all your gas requirements smoothly- and reliably. Peak Industrial Our emphasis is on the development of turnkey solutions to provide a comparative advantage to our clients by meeting their gas supply requirements in a convenient, safe and cost-effective manner. We can offer a wide range of nitrogen gas generators (both PSA and membrane technology) as well as complete solutions comprising air supply, gas generation, after-treatment and storage. We also offer a complete service from specification to physical installation on site as well as the on-going preventative maintenance of the entire package. Peak, a global leader, is a group of complementary business units that design, manufacture, distribute and service gas generators for analytical laboratory and industrial applications. Headquartered in Glasgow, Scotland, Peak serves customers in approximately 80 countries and territories through a network of more than 200 company-owned offices and independent, certified distributor locations.


行业类目: 石油石化科研及实验室技术设备
国家省份: 英国
展商类型: 装备制造

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