Beijing Huade Hydraulic Industrial Group Co.Ltd - cippe2025
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Beijing Huade Hydraulic Industrial Group Co.LtdBooth:E3652

Beijing Huade Hydraulic Industry Group Co., Ltd is a vice president of Chinese Association of Hydraulic Pneumatic Sealing Member Industry, a key player in China’s hydraulic industry and one of top 500 companies in China’s mechanical industry。 With technology introduction and development, Huade has become a specialized manufacturer of hydraulic valves, pumps/motors, packaged equipment and castings, and sealing members. Huade products are used in the fields of metallurgy, machining tool, war industry, shipbuilding, chemical industry, aerospace, engineering machinery and construction machinery. Huade participated in many key technology renovation projects in China. Huade is moving towards becoming the best-of -breed hydraulic industry base in China.