ZF Friedrichshafen AG - cippe2025
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ZF Friedrichshafen AG
ZF Friedrichshafen AGBooth:W2401

ZF is a leading worldwide automotive supplier for Driveline and Chassis Technology with 123 production companies in 27 countries. With its workforce of 64,000 employees, ZF achieved sales in the order of 12.9 billion euros in 2010. In order to continue to be successful with innovative products, ZF annually invests more than five percent of its sales (2010: estimated 750 million EUR) in Research and Development. For stationary pumping machines, ZF offers the automatic transmission system “AS Tronic”. Benefits: a constant torque, ease of operation, high reliability, robust mechanics and a worldwide service network. More than 400,000 heavy trucks, coaches and mobile cranes are equipped with transmissions of ZF\'s AS Tronic range.