Luo Yang Wire Rope Inspection Technology Co.,Ltd. - cippe2024
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Luo Yang Wire Rope Inspection Technology Co.,Ltd.Booth:E1588

Luoyang Wire Rope Inspection Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as TCK.W) is a national double-high and double-soft enterprise specialized in the research of nondestructive testing technology for ferromagnetic materials. It has 36 core patents of the internationally leading "magnetic memory weak magnetic nondestructive testing technology", 3 invention patents from the United States, the European Union and Japan, and 24 software copyrights. TCK. W wire rope online real-time automatic monitoring technology has won the highest prize of finals in the 2023 National Disruptive Technology Innovation Competition, won OTC Spotlight on New Technology Award in 2018 in Huston, won the 2018 PLA Science and Technology Progress Award and got registration certificate of scientific and technological achievements of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in 2021.