China Geological Equipment Research Institute Co.,Ltd - cippe2024
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China Geological Equipment Research Institute Co.,LtdBooth:E4506

Zhongdi Decoration (Beijing) Science and Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Zhongdi Decoration Research Institute") is a wholly-owned enterprise of China Geological Equipment Group Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Zhongdi Decoration Group"). It was established at the end of 2015 by integrating advantageous resources such as the group's technology center and Beijing Drilling Tool Factory. It is a product research and development innovation platform deployed by Zhongdi Decoration Group in Beijing. China Ground Decoration Research Institute has long been committed to the research and application of drilling equipment in fields such as resources, energy, environment, and ocean. In the field of resources, we have taken the lead in developing electric top drive/vertical axis core drilling rigs/multi process automated drilling rigs; In the field of energy, we have developed electric drive geothermal drilling rig and oil rig; In the field of the environment, we are the first to develop a vehicle mounted environmental survey drilling locomotive. In the marine field, we have pioneered the development of top drive marine drilling rigs and automated complete equipment with heave compensation function suitable for medium to deep sea areas.