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美国MagnaDrive 磁动力股份有限公司 - MagnaDrive Corporation美国MagnaDrive 磁动力股份有限公司
MagnaDrive Corporation

美国MagnaDrive磁动力股份有限公司成立于1999年,总部设在美国华盛顿州西雅图市。 公司发起人是美国波音商务飞机公司前任董事长罗恩•伍德先生 ,比尔•盖茨的父亲也是该公司的股东之一。公司技术研发团队成员多数来自美国波音公司飞机传动技术部。在 全球拥有200多项专利 。 麦格钠的突破性磁技术集节能、高科技、低碳排放于一身,实现了全球传动史上新的革命,提供了高效益、低能耗的解决方案,能在节约能源和实现过程控制的同时,增强可靠性,降低维护成本,有效地实现了传动技术的绿色节能。经过十多年的发展,麦格钠的产品已经销往世界60多个国家和地区,涉及造纸、发电、灌溉业、海事、化学工业、矿业、石油天然气、钢铁等行业,成为全球规模最大的永磁涡流柔性传动技术供应商。 1999年于美国华盛顿州西雅图市成立,历经14年的技术专注与发展。 2001年获得美国西北能效联盟的资金支持用于产品研发并取得美国船集认证。 2002年美国能源部给予资金支持用于大马力设备制造。 2002年被美国《工业周刊》评选为2001年度最佳技术。 2003年被美国《企业》评为最快私人企业500强。 2004&2006年均被美国德勤公司评为北美进步最快技术公司500强。 2004年通过美军最严格的9-G抗震实验。 2005年MD成为美国军方及政府固定供应商。 2008年产品进入中国及南非市场。 2012年在北京成立中国公司,全面负责中国市场。 2012年被国家发改委列入第五批重点节能目录推广产品。 2012年取得欧盟DEKRA防爆认证。 目前在美洲,欧洲,澳洲,非洲,亚洲,大洋洲拥有国家级经销商68家,拥有一级大客户500多家,全球累计超过10000 多套在运行。 麦格钠中国事业部: 北京市朝阳区建国路89号华贸公寓4号楼1506室 电话:010-52037992 传真:010-52037993 公司网址:www.magnadrive.com

MagnaDrive Corporation was founded in 1999, and is based of Seattle, WA. The promoter of MagnaDrive is Ron Woodard, who is the former president of Boeing Company. Meanwhile, William H. Gates, Sr., who is Bill Gates’ father, also is one of the shareholders of MagnaDrive. Most of the member of research and development team came from the transmission technology department of Boeing Company. MagnaDrive’s breakthrough magnetic technology has the advantages of energy saving, high technology, low carbon emissions and provides a cost effective to increase reliability and lower maintenance expense while achieving energy savings and process control. The impact and potential of the technology was recognized by Industry Week magazine, which was selected MagnaDrive as Technology of the Year in 2001. MagnaDrive also obtained the support and supply by the US Department of Energy (DOE). Recently, Deloitte named MagnaDrive one of the 100 fastest growing technology companies in North America. The company’s intellectual property is protected by 20 in US and more than 200 international patents. MagnaDrive’s technology has conducted several tests including the strictest 9-G shock by US Navy. Both US Navy and Boeing Company are MagnaDrive’s customer now. During the past over ten years development, MagnaDRive has become to be the biggest global magnet transmission technology supplier which products have been delivered to over 40 countries and areas, including the typical industrial market of Pulp & Paper, Power Generation, Irrigation, Maritime, Chemical Processing, Mining & Cement, Oil & Gas, Iron & Steel.

