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新兴铸管股份有限公司 - Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes Co., Ltd新兴铸管股份有限公司
Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes Co., Ltd

新兴际华集团有限公司,前身是新兴铸管集团,是由中国人民解放军总后勤部原生产部及所管企事业单位整合重组而成,目前是国务院国资委监管的中央企业,是集资产管理、资本运营和生产经营于一体的大型国有独资公司。国有资产规模、营业收入、经济效益位列中央企业前50名左右,2012年7月进入世界500强。拥有2家上市公司、2家二级公司,60多家成员企业分布在全国24个省、市、自治区和蒙古、印度、赞比亚等国家。新兴际华集团有四大主营业务:金属冶炼及加工、纺织服装、专用设备制造以及商贸物流等。新兴铸管股份有限公司是新兴际华集团的核心企业,是以铸管、钢铁、机械等多业并举,跨地区、跨行业、集科工贸于一体的上市公司,全国520家重点企业之一,公司于1997年在深交所上市,2010年5月总股本191687.16万股。 新兴铸管股份有限公司拥有河北邯郸、安徽芜湖、湖北黄石、新疆库尔勒、湖南益阳五大离心球墨铸铁管及管件生产基地,下设八个生产厂,生产DN80至DN2600mm、长度为6米和8.15米的各种规格、各种涂层的离心球墨铸铁管,年生产能力为2万公里管道。新兴铸管的综合技术实力和生产规模位居世界前列。目前国内市场占有率40%以上,超过30%的产品出口到世界106个国家和地区。 目前已形成新兴铸管、新兴管件、新兴钢铁、新兴复合管、新兴格板等系列产品。公司连续13年创造铸管产量、技术经济指标、出口创汇、市场占有率等多项中国企业新纪录,连续8年入选“中国最具发展潜力的上市公司50强”等荣誉称号。整体通过了GB/T28001职业健康安全管理体系、ISO14001环境管理体系和ISO9001质量管理体系认证。公司的离心球墨铸铁管通过了法国BV、韩国KS等质量认证,其“新兴”商标为中国驰名商标。

Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes Co.,Ltd.is a transregional and multi-industry listed company which gathers scientific and technological research, manufacture and trade together. The main businesses of the company include pipe making, iron and steel making and machinery making. It is one of 520 state key enterprises. In 1997,the company went into market at Shenzhen Stock Exchanges with total capital of 621.5 million shares. With Handan, Wuhu, Anhui, Hubei Huangshi, Yiyang, Hunan Xinjiang Kuerle five centrifugal ductile iron pipes and fittings production base consists of seven production plants, production of DN80 to DN2600mm, length 6 m and 8.15 m for the various specifications, various coated ductile iron pipe, the annual production capacity of 2.3 million km of pipes. Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes integrated technology strength and scale of production largest in the world。The current domestic market share above 40%, more than 30% of the product export to the world 106 countries and regions. Till now ,the company has developed a series of products including Xinxing Pipes,Xinxing Fittings,Xinxing Grating, Xinxing Steel Products,Xinxing Composite Pipes, Xinxing Gratings, The company has been setting up new Chinese enterprise’s records for the output of D.I.Pipes, technical and economic indexes, foreign exchange earnings as well as market share etc .for ten years, and won the reputation of “Chinese Top 50 Leading Listed Companies” for eight years. The company has passed certifications of GB/T2800 occupational safety and health management system, ISO14001 environmental protection system and ISO9001 quality control system. The company also passed product quality certifications like French BV, Korean KS etc. for its products. The trademark “XINXING” is famous in China.


行业类目: 储运、输送设备与包装技术
国家省份: 中国 河北省
展商类型: 装备制造

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