AMOT - cippe2018


Roper Industry was founded in 1981 and is based in Sarasota.Florida.Roper Industries counts annual revenues of over USD 2 billion.Our shares began to trade on the New York Stock Exchange in 1992 under the symbol ROP.The company operates in four segments:Industrial Technology,RF Technology,Energy Systems & Control,Scientific & Industrial Imaging. AMOThas been a pioneering manufaturer of quality components for rotating machinery since 1948. When we invented the industrial thermostatic valve-whichhas since become the accepted standard.AMOT belongs to Energy System & Control segments, and is based in Huston,USA.There are two wholly-owned subsidiaries in Bury St.Edmond and Shanghai,China named Roper Industries Manufacturing(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd. re-located in Longpan Road,Jiading district in the end of 2009.