NOV Wellbore Technologies - cippe2018
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NOV Wellbore TechnologiesBooth:W1678

Tolteq Group is a provider of Measurement While Drilling(MWD) systems and components.Tolteq Group is acquired by NOV in Mar. 2016, to be the independent product serie under NOV. With a staff of experienced engineers,Tolteq offers the next level of MWD tools.We understand that reliable data and reliable tools mean the different between a successful job and one filled with interruptions.Tolteq's innovative engineering transforms downhole data into downhole intelligence. NOV/Tolteq also provides iNBS near bit system. iNBS is very powerful for help help engineer to accurately monitor well trajectory and change of formation by in real-time measurements.The high vertical resolution of iNBS system ensure that the drill bit is drilling in the pay zone.It is compatible with GE, Tolte completely.