IMC Motion&Control , a headquartered in ShangHai, in one of great China Electro-hydraulics control systems , service and distribution companies as ISO 9001:2008 stantard. We provide Electro-hydraulics control systems, components, in-house and on-site repair in a quick turn-around environment. Our electrical & hydraulics engineering team experienced, knowledgeable and dependable, and have more 10 years servicing over 500 customers.
We offer Electro-Hydraulic servo control system with Bucher internal gear pump and Buchservo controller for the energy-saving green life,more 40% energy-efficient!
We also represent over the top-quality motion control manufacturers, as Sauer-Danfoss, Bucher Hydraulics, BUCHESERVO servo controller, Internormen Filter, Tobul Accumulator,Parker-Denison, Eaton,etc